Basic Javascript

The next several pages all cover resources and external materials that can help to expand the concepts covered in Unit 1.

As you go through this course you may find various resources from different places. Some of these may utilize an older, non-web-based version of P5.js. Those examples will function almost identically to your version of P5, which was updated to run completely online a few years ago.


More detailed information about various elements discussed in this course can be found in the book Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke. Once you have had a little practice using the language, check out this book for more in depth explications of various javascript features.

Tutorials contains multiple interactive javascript recourses that you can explore., W3 Schools, LearnJS, Code Academy, and Mozilla all offer tutorials and interactive classes on javascript as well. Be sure to explore these sites for additional practice working in javascript.

Dan Shiffman’s Coding Train contains numerous coding resources and video lessons that can serve as an additional resource to accompany the materials of this class; especially the playlists specifically utilizing P5.js

The website CodeCombat is a platform that allows students to explore coding concepts in a non-traditional format. They use concepts discussed throughout the first few units in order to play a top-down style adventure/combat game. This may be an entertaining way to introduce and enforce concepts. This game is available for both Javascript and Python.

The P5 reference pages can offer information and examples on every function built into the P5 coding library.

Here are some general ‘pro tips’ for java script coding once you have a little bit of experience under your belt.


Here is a video with a condensed history of the javascript coding language.


The Knightlab at Northwestern University offers several javascript based creative tools that have a variety of potential applications both in this and other courses.

The NYC Department of Education: Computer Science for All program contains a class that utilizes P5 much like this one. Check out these pages for another presentation of the material, as well as other assignment ideas.

Educator Allison Parrish has set up a website with several examples and instructor notes for teaching the course mentioned above. Be sure to go through the pages for additional exploration of the topics covered in this course. (This was used for teaching a course in 2015, so some of the materials may be out of date.)

A desktop version of P5 can be downloaded via this github page. However this application is discontinued, and it is recommended that you utilize the online editor whenever possible. This application is completely local to your device, and will require you to download all files, libraries, and create a local server in order to see your sketches being implemented.